Sunday, September 30, 2012

Old Federal Courthouse was Majestic

Old Federal Courthouse 1888-1937
The old Federal Courthouse stood on the southeast corner of State and South Park Row in Erie, Pennsylvania. The old Erie County public library at Perry Square is visible on the left side of this picture.

Federal Courthouse

"The ground was secured by purchase June 7, 1883, for $36,000. It was broken in April, 1885, and the building was completed and occupied in the latter part of 1887, the cost of construction being $223,759.35.

The walls of the basement are of granite, and of the superstructure sandstone. The building has a cubic contents of 667,500 feet; is provided  with steam heat supplied by the Home Heating Company, and is equipped with an electric passenger elevator. Besides the first floor, which is used entirely by the post-office, the number of rooms occupied is twenty-eight, they being assigned principally to the postal, customs, internal-revenue, and marine-hospital services, United States courts, United States engineers, pension examiners, and Weather Bureau.

The legislation on its account is contained in acts of Congress approved June 27, 1882, February 17, 1885, August 4, 1886, March 3, 1887, and August 5, 1892 (elevator).

During the year ended June 30, 1899, the gross postal receipts amounted to $84,241.10. In 1890 the population of the city was 40,634 and in 1900 it was 52,733."
-History of Public Buildings Under the Control of the Treasury Department

The old Federal Courthouse was demolished in 1937 and replaced with the current federal courthouse at 17 South Park Row.

Here is a photo of the Federal Courthouse from 1913:

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