Thursday, July 19, 2012

Top Erie Restaurants and Taverns 1962 pt.1

1962 list of Erie, PA Restaurants and Taverns

Here's a list of restaurants and taverns in Erie, PA from the 1962 Atkinson's Erie City Directory. Which restaurant did your family eat at? What was your favorite item on the menu?
Which restaurants served Italian food? Where could you get the best burger? How about the best fish? Which places were college hangouts?

How many restaurants and taverns are still in business from this list? (Barbato's, Coney Island.) The Den at 832 Peach Street is long gone, but you can still buy the Den Sauce.

Here is a link the Top Erie Restaurants and Taverns from 1962- Part Two, which includes Ember's to Lucky Strike.

Here is a list of the Top Erie Restaurants and Taverns in 1962, Part Three which spans from Ma's Place to Russ' Dinor.

And finally, the Top Erie Restaurants and Taverns in 1962, Part Four list which runs from St. Vincent's to Zamie's.

This one should really take you back, an ad from Chuck and Ginny's, which opened in 1961.

Enjoy more fun facts about life in Erie, PA at: Old Time Erie


  1. the College Inn had 'foot long banana splits' and boy were they good.

  2. For better or worse, the Alibi Bar still exists on Buffalo Road in Wesleyville.

    Nice trips down memory lane. The guy who owned Bobango's on East 12th Street was a customer when I was a bank teller. Very nice guy; he'd bring treats for us once a month or so.

  3. College Inn in the mid-'40's and early '50's was "the" date place to go after a movie, or just to hang out. Dancing with juke box music. "Let'n the other guy feed that juke box Saturday night" -- from a popular song of that era.
