Friday, June 14, 2013

Old Erie Achievement Center Bldg

This cool brick building on the southeast corner of 6th and French St. has had three major tenants since it was built in 1914; the Achievement Center, Erie Insurance and the C.F. Adams Company. 

Charles F. Adams, the original owner, had a popular household goods store and had offices here. "This building was undoubtedly designed by an architect who was familiar with Tudor Gothic and Romanesque styles of architecture in their various expressions. At least the influence of these styles are clearly shown in this handsome building, showing a fine red tile roof and carefully laid walls. Much neatness is displayed in the surroundings and setting of small shrubs." In 1914, Charles was the president of the company (he died in 1923 and was buried in the Erie Cemetery). Louis T. M. Slocum was 1st vice-president; William Brown was 2nd VP; Harry L. Smith was secretary; Burr Lathrop was treasurer and J. A. Slocum was a traveling auditor.

Erie Insurance moved into this building at 101 East 6th Street in 1938. It was their home in Erie, PA until they needed more office space. Erie Insurance moved into its current headquarters across the street in 1956.

The Achievement Center occupied this site from 1956 until 2013. The building has a lot of character. It is across the street from Perry Square and the old Erie Public Library building.

You can donate to the Achievement Center by clicking here

Learn more about Erie, Pennsylvania at: Old Time Erie

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