Sunday, February 10, 2013

Times Square Lincoln Mercury Erie PA

Times Square Roof sold used cars at East 12th and French Street in Erie, PA. According to this advertisement that ran in the Erie Daily Times on August 5, 1955, Times Square Roof was under the same management as Times Square Motors, Inc.

Check out the prices for used cars. A 1952 Kaiser four-door sedan sold for $545. A 1952 Hudson Hornet sold for $695. A 1952 Nash Rambler hardtop would set you back $595. A 1953 Chevy 210 Deluxe was one of the pricier models at $1095. A 1954 Mercury two-door sedan sold for $1695. Buying a used car was pretty simple, just cough up a $50 down payment and you were ready to go.

Enjoy more historic facts and photos of Erie, PA at:


  1. This was a multiple story auto dealership. If a salesman or lot attendant got a little too aggressive with the throttle while moving a car, the distinct odor of burning wood. would permeate the air.

    1. Sounds like you speak from experience. Did you ever work in the building?
